Turtle Release Wednesday June 20, 2018 at Topsail Island

The Karen Beasley Sea Turtle & Rehabilitation Center will be releasing a rehabilitated sea turtle behind the Surf City Fire Department on Wednesday, June, 20, 2018 at 10:00AM.

The Surf City Fire Department is located at 200 Wilmington Ave, Surf City, NC 28445. Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/nzBxF1jsAMN2

Hundreds of people will be at this local event.

After the turtle release we’ll add images to this page. We expect the release to occur around 10:00AM.

Turtle releases are extremely difficult to find online, and this one in particular was not publicized due to so many people being here on vacation.But to see it be at 506 N Shore Drive at 10AM.

We hope to update a section of this site to answering people’s questions such as:

  • Why is there no notice for releases?
  • How can I find out about upcoming releases?
  • How are the people selected to carry the turtles?

Turtles released!

The largest of the turtles was “Southport”. I’ll add a video to this page shortly.






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